Volunteer WITH THE "YSO"!

Join an enthusiastic & energetic group of change makers committed to giving back to their community in a big way!
This group of enthusiastic volunteers, of all ages & abilities, work together on Y fundraising programs that support the health & wellness of youth, seniors & families, right here in Bismarck Mandan.
Throughout the year, participate in fun & rewarding community gatherings, including the Basket Ball gala, free food distribution, youth sports programs, child care support & much more.
Event Tent Set Up/Tear Down
Get a great workout, enjoy the beautiful outdoors & meet wonderful new people when you help with even tents.
Email brian.marquart@bismarckymca.org to participate
Offering outstanding volunteer opportunities in:
Youth Sports
- Coaching
- Set Up/Tear Down
- Officiating
- Specialty Program Prep
- Facility Cleaning
- Swim Lessons
Life Center & Fitness Studios
- Fitness Desk
- Equipment Maintenance
- Facility Cleaning
Child Watch
- Reading to Children
- Leading Game Play
- Facility Cleaning
(Pending fingerprinting, background check & other certification criteria.)
YDC Child Care Centers
- Reading to Children
- Leading Game Play
- Preparing Meals
(Pending fingerprinting, background check & other certification criteria.)
Member Services
- Member Desk
- Folding Towels
- Preparing Packets
Facilities & Grounds
- Mowing
- Shoveling
- Facility Upkeep
Tent Rentals
Specialty Wellness
- Livestrong at the YMCA
- Parkinson's Group Exercise
- MStrong
- Primetime Wellness
(Pending certification criteria.)
Special Events
- The Basket Ball
- Strong Kids Week
- Y Night at the Larks
- Youth Triathlon
- United Way Day of Caring
- Donation Drives


The YSO is a fresh new approach to getting involved with an organization that has served individuals in Bismarck Mandan for over 50 years. Be part of something BIGGER, by joining the YSO & making a big difference in our community.
If you’re looking for exciting, entertaining volunteer opportunities, where you can get on your feet, work with your hands & give back to your community in a BIG WAY, then look no further than the YMCA Service Organization!

Pitch in! Volunteer for our tent program. All summer long, you’ll get to put your back into it while setting up & taking down event tents, (a source of over $10,000 in Y for All program & service revenue each year!) while having fun with your fellow volunteers, playing yard games & enjoying BBQs.

To join the YSO or for more information contact Amber Rae at amberrae.bernhardt@bismarckymca.org.